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LEAVE biatch
I might eat her pssy good and never call her 🎵🎵 biatch
"Normalize cheating on men" 😂😂 that one sent me biatch
agreed biatch
stfu lizzo biatch
Normalize biatch
you're iq on the negatives if you think this my age biatch
💀🧋 biatch
I love consuming sulfuric acid biatch
Nah cheating aint cool biatch
your* biatch
Stay making gc's about men, ho. biatch
Sulfuric biatch
Acid biatch
Making gcs about men makes u a ho? 💀 biatch
Acid👀 biatch
I think there’s a room with that name already biatch
Yes biatch
Lmao dumb ass biatch
Omgggg how dare he biatch
Just proves you got no life biatch
Make oneeee lina biatch
Omggg biatch
Girls use me please biatch
I was referring to it yes biatch
Im not really active tho 😭 biatch
Hmm biatch
lol this is anti biatch
Who tf making gcs about women? Ain't no normal man engaging in that activity. biatch
You got problems, seek help and do it quickly biatch
Referring biatch
The same ppl who make GC about women biatch
Terrible biatch
Says the mf who sticks his nose in every convo saying some random shit biatch
So nocive biatch
So toxic biatch
Câncer biatch
Toxic Toxic biatch
Idek where to start with the old dolphin smh biatch
Very very biatch
I might eat her pssy good and never call her 🎵🎵 biatch
Very toxic biatch
Reportin for that 1 karma biatch
🐾🐾🐾 biatch
Lawd men these days biatch
🐆🙃 biatch
Fk right biatch
ikr biatch
Savage biatch