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Naher Osten/

🇮🇱Israel Tel-Aviv תא

Nice art, Sheep!✌️🙏
Thanks horse 👉☘️
Hey all
Hello 👋 👈(❁´◡`❁)
My key board sucks
>>> My key board sucks Apparently it thinks you're a bi ho 😂
🤭 hehehe
That's not what it is
So definitely not
I don't judge. But apparently your keyboard does 😂
Good thanks & u ?
I'm fine, waiting for Shabbat!😊
Oh wow that’s nice 😊
Happy Sabbath Day
Awwww, thank you!
Your welcome 😊
Nice drop (❁´◡`❁)☘️👈
Thanks! Do you keep Shabbat?
Yeah before when my grandma still alive but now not so 😅
What about you?
Bless her Neshema!🥰 Yes, I like to observe it.
Thanks a lot (❁´◡`❁)➳♥
>>>📷 Where is the Ark of the Covenant now?
It is where it is💜🤍
It was something very valuable, how ppl lost it
Good things are usually easily lost🥺
Yeah but not Holy, may Allah guide us all 🤲
Enjoyed your weekend!😊
You too 🤲
שבת שלום לכולם ❤️
Alpha bro🥰🥰🥰
שבת שלום ומבורך 🙏
Shabbat shalom
Free gaza