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VVampire Lair 🧛‍♀️🦇🩸

I truly AM Cusrsed... 😔
how cursed?
Destined to never get to be what and where I have longed for Years to BE...
NEVER to achieve it...
but why you think that?
what happened?
Its hard to explain... but THEY have no real NEED of me... and I have just been Lucky to have gotten the little bit of time with Them that I've had.... but it is dwindling more and more... and with the tightening of restrictions within the Community, I seem to be getting shut out. 😢
any female vampire here
Not at this time, it wouldn't seem....
Any Kindred still out there, I BEG of You to come and Reveal Yourselves to me... I NEED to be of Service, and I am practically Dying as I have been cut off, yet Again!
40 bi married m
How were you cut off?
The Leaders of two different Coven whom I have loyally served the Members of have tried to order them not to continue associating with me... so I only get sporadic communications from them, at best.... 😔
And after having been with them for so long, I am addicted and cannot feel much happiness while being kept in their Absence...
Were my messages seen since the question of how I was cut off?
Yeah I see them
How can I join a coven?
That isn't for me to say... I'm not but a humble Servant...
How did you join one?
I was invited.
I stumbled upon a Vampress... amused her... she toyed with me for a while, planning to kill me... but I proved myself worthy to Serve.... and she kept me...
I've since been passed around... and Served different Covens....
I see
Is a vampress a female vampire?
Typically... or in a few cases Trans or Femboy... but always more Feminine than Masculine....
Which god or goddess are you working with now?
Forgive me... I believe it is above my Station to give away Personal Information on those whom I Serve.
I know not who you are.
Hello Brother 😏
Anyone up we go rob a blood bank 🧛‍♂️
I miss my Vampresses SO Much...
Favorite Vampire MoviesTV Shows?
Anyone up for fun
Apologies for missing You...
I hope I can get at least one Vampress to contact me back soon... I am in DESPERATE NEED...
I can see that I'm just going to sit here and Rot....
Hey everyone