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Gesundheit & Unterstützung/

🌄Quitting And Recovery

I'm gonna give myself a pass on my habits while I'm recovering. What's a man to do
Good afternoon All 🌻
Heya! How's life?
Question: are people here trying to quit their addiction, or manage it? Orrrrr manage it to the point they quit it?
Hei Kilik
I think both
Same. I wanna quit but nothing fills that hole out leans so i end up rushing back to it.
I should be able to get better control over it and get better sleep though.
Yes I understand that feeling of void
Just keep on trying, we will the better day soon
I'll try again
Bit of a back peddle but ya gotta keep trying if you want results right?
Absolutely, no matter what's the situation right now, keep hoping and trying
I’ve tried to manage it, and came pretty close, but obstacles of life keep me clean.
I miss being able to fill that void, or being able to take something to fall asleep easily.
Now I find peace without it even though times come up when I just want to be in a blissful state
That's awesome, stay strong ya
Hows everyone doing?