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Gelegentliches Dating/

KKinky Granny Panties

😇 what are y'all talking about
She seems to know all about these packages...🤭😏
learned from the best
Fireworks!!! 🎉🎉
Remember this is a clean panty room
Kinky can be clean lol
Ok Ladies... food time. Thanks🌷🥰... take care and keep warm!
have a good night
Enjoy!!! Ttyl
oh whoever reads this thread will be contacting Snow for pics lol
lol ooooooh no
You said you had the stuff for us to borrow!
😂😂😂😂😂😂 they're coming for you!
I might have a few things on hand 😉😁
I have a drawer...we might need to dig in your um closet
for the rest
you still have those paddles and whips you showed pics of?
No I got rid of a lot
awww darn
Okay, getting out of tub....wish me luck
lol ok don't slip...we are old we break
lol exactly
Oh my, Ladies! My pork loin came out superb! Thank you!
* curtsies*
What did you do?
The unbelievable!
I cooked that pork loin, and it turned out mouth watering delectable!
How did you do it?
I'm so happy it turned out!!!!
Me too. Gonna provide a home cooked meal to my parents tomorrow.
A little of each... Salt, pepper, lemon-pepper, and Mrs Dash. 350 for 45 min in a pyrex dish, with a little water in the bottom and a foil tent covering the top.
It is sooooooo juicy!
Yay!!!!!!! 🎉
Sounds amazing
They will appreciate it so much.
It's.... orgasmic 😂😂😂
Not that remember what that's like, lol. But its a fun word to say😂
😂😂😂😂 omg hilarious
It is
Kinda like.... "Spontaneous combustion" is fun to say, and can have a kinky meaning too, but Orgasmic has less syllables and gets you there with less... effort. LoL
Dont mind me... I'm just super tired 😂
lol true
lol me too, I think I might try to sleep
Ok🤗... sweet dreams lovely Snow🌸