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PPolice Station 🚔👮‍♂️

Anyone up for fun
That’s a great motto PastryQueen
he yguys
Whats this chat about?
Sup Kittyy🖤🇩🇪
✡️444✡️ God bless all Police 🥰❤️
(Post of Rheinland-Pfalz Police Germany)
Love the German Police Cars they look so cute 🥰
Well thanks
Your a good lady
😼 I am
That’s good 🔥
Are you from the police if yes which country if I may ask
Your in Germany ?
That's cool but police recieves a lot of hate over there
Yes but I'm a civilian
Kind of at least haha
I'm more of a spiritual soldier
Very cool
Yes we do but it’s gotten alot better
Yes I have noticed that the German Police also started to implement spiritual defenses which makes me happy for them they are learning a lot
I'm glad to hear
Anyone up for fun
Waz up