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AAgeless Connections

Yea it’s the girl
Cool cool, I wish you lots of fun
Thanks. I’ve loved the assassin’s creed series
I was obsessed with it when I was younger, around release of ac syndicate
Haven’t played AC since unity lol
That was a great game. My laptop ran a pirated copy on like 12 fps but I had the time of my life with it
Have you tried it in vr
Wait what?
Yeah nexus
Oh, the one on Oculus?
I think steam too
Welcome to the room everyone
Gday dark
Moonie man 😁👍
Uhhh, no. Just oculus. But yes I played it and it was so much fun!!!
Hey init 👊
Hello everyone
Wass'appenin brother
How is going everyone
Nothing much
Same old crap
I’m yet to give it a whirl
Swerving and perving as usual brother 😁 👍
There’s a vr version!
There is!
And it's really well made
Just no jumping into walls or tvs
Or hitting your cousins, younger and older
If someone doesn’t lose an eye you’re doing it wrong
True Assassin's Creed experience
I would need a big room for VR
As developers intended
You can sit if you want
You're okay with smaller one. Oculus will show you the borders so you know where to move
And where not
My son wants one of those but I have a small living room so I’ve been hesitant getting it
It's okay, I have it in a room that has 2x3 meters and it was without any problems. It just took a bit of getting used to it
My living room isn’t even that big
Then I would recommend some calmer games. But luckily lots of games can be also played while sitting down so it should be fine