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Just hold down on a message
Not with a droid
I can't even delete my own msgs 😩
That are there forever
Hey yall
Lol oy
Double yoi!
He peed on the floor smh
I was cracking up at the newspaper lol
I didn’t even think of that, that was a good one lol
Lol ikr
I didn’t even know it peed until you told me 🤣
Yeah anti got some weird stickers
Hey ppl
Nobody home
That's okay I'll wait out front
Peeping Tom out front 😳
Aw hell naw Sully don't do me like that bro I ain't even on that type of time. I'm just waiting for my friends 🥹
Mama B get yo man
Sloth stickers?
When was you a sloth
Awhile ago lol
I didn't even notice
Good afternoon everyone