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🕹️Gamer lounge 🎮

Good and you
I’m good working away
Who play Asphalt here
I see
Asphalt's good
Hello fellas
233 bonus 🥳🥳
Wow thats great
They are send me 24 bonus 😔
Sweet bonus
I had to stop chatting as much here for the bonuses to get better 😂
Pm to play some apex legends
Gmorning gamers
Morning g
How’s it going
Oh you know, it's going well. Having a good day before work.
That’s good
What are you up to?
About cook lunch
Oh? What's for lunch?
Chicken and green beans maybe sweet potatoe
Ohhhh nice. I'm thinking spinach and cheese raviolis
Nice enjoy
I will tou enjoy too
Lol you*
Hello everyone 👋
Hi gamer frens
Bought Fallout 3&4 today. Played 3 for what seemed like an eternity.
Hi Honey
Hey Flabberschmeltz🤝
How are the fallouts? I never played any of them but I was always curious
It's like the elder scrolls meets the outer worlds
That’s a heretical description of fallout
If you like rpgs and you like post apocalyptic settings play fallout. All of them are very good. New Vegas and fallout 2 are the best in the series
Gmorning gamers
Good morning!
Hi welcome back
Thank you!
How’s it going
Goooood thank you!
fuck games requiring SSDs nowadays. more and more are starting to
Yeah that sucks
Hmu to play apex legends
Morning gamer lounge 💤🎮
I have the day off work so I’m hoping to game at some point!
Gmorning gamers