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Still dead?
Seems so
Yes antiland is dry
That it is.
It’s ashame cause i like military guys
I agree.
I’m shocked there aren’t more people in here.
Crazy bored, chats are open
Anyone awake?
I invite you to a chatroom 'Military Gulag': https:chat.antiland.comKHHJTUigBj Yeah. In here
Good morning
Rawr 👀
Crazy work 💀💀💀
https:anti.landgKHHJTUigBj The app is down, come to a place that’s at least moderated and chill unlike here 🎉
Definitely something a marine would do
Any branch lol
Yes. We do swear a lot.
That’s life 😋
>>>📷 Nice view
Yeah it’s a nice place here haha
Where is it?
Nice weather as of lately
The weather has been nice recently
Hiya Milo
Hey Gunner
Hows it been going?
I’m alright wbu?
Doing ok here here. Surviving lol
Surviving is good.
>>> I’m alright wbu? I'm doing well. Just relaxing a d watching TV
Sounds like me except a movie lol
👋 Heyy
Hiya Clean
>>> Where is it? France !
Reminds me of the hills here in West Virginia
Oooh let me see !