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LLucy's Girls (lesbians

Hey all 🤗
I am good but super bored
Hey Wild 🤗
Hi Mar
Who's Lucy and why are we her girls?
>>> Hi Mar How are you?
Please call me Mousey 💛
I'm good thank
Don't know Lucy
Hey Rori
>>> I'm good thank That's good 🤗
Hey mousey
How are you lovely Rori?
*rubs the butterfly's tummy*
Lol, so cute 🥰🙌🏻
What's going on today
Not much and you
I'm relaxing in bed
I'm just chilling
Nice 🙌🏻
Relaxing day
Are you watching a movie?
I would love to relax and cuddle and watch a movie 🩷👌🏻
Trying to find one
Who doesn't like to cuddle
What you guys upto
Sitting home
>>> How are you lovely Rori? Am good mousey. How are you?
>>> Sitting home Same , i am just watching vampire diaries again lol
Lol sounds fun
>>> Lol sounds fun Not much but better than just browsing
At least your watching something
>>> At least your watching something You still searching
Hi hmu
I need a sub
hey everyone !
Evening everyone
Hey , new here. I m open for chats
>>> Hru I m fine you
Girls wanna talk in dm?