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Joe Mama
Nice fake photos
I cheated in my gf with my ex and now feel really bad about it, is there any possible way that I could get her back
Any ideas
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Your gf is now officially also an ex
She may not be aware yet
I usually am pretty loyal, I don’t know why I did it
>>> A ma A love
Your gf is mine now
>>> I cheated in my gf with my ex and now feel... A honest. Women will always find out. Apologize And stop talking to your ex
You shouldn’t have in the first place
I have stopped talking to her
^be honest
But she won’t respond to anything
Your gf?
So she knows.
Oh I just realized that you don’t even have a gf.. you cheated on your imaginary gf with your older imaginary gf
leave her alone u a ho
It’s okay dude, you’re good … those imaginary gfs don’t care
Did she find out?
I don’t know how she knows
But she found out somehow
You should have told her
That’s your fault.
He’s trolling the chat btw dizzy
I didn’t know she knew
Girls always find out
>>> He’s trolling the chat btw dizzy Oh. Good to know
I didn’t tell her
Nah fam. You ain’t got a girl no mo
I know that
I am just trying to get her back.
You ain’t getting her back
You a cheater
She won’t respond to any of my text
Dirty little cheater
As she shouldn’t
I am usually loyal