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When i become a sugar daddy im about time be a playa who needs their rent paid
Its a honor being a sugar daddy
That’s a common sceen,except the overweight man is almost always a fat Whiteman!
A sceen seen on the beaches around Fort Walton Beach, Florida!
Hi I’m von
Hi von
Text? Like on a pager?
>>> Text? Like on a pager? 😂😂😂
Any women interested in women?
Guess we’ll never know
>>> Any women interested in women? No thanks
I need help
>>> Hi what’s up ✌🏽🙃
I’ve got a bad headache!
>>> Su U
Hey 👋 Cougar female looking for a younger male cub 🥰
Hello 👋
Ribbit ribbit
How much
Ribbit Ribbit got me 2 pms 😂
Hello 👋 and how is everyone doing today
Doing fantastic friend
How are things in your end?
how is it going
All good over here
Things are good here too bro
Sun ⛅️ is out now
Feels great 👍🏽
That good 👍
That my grandma
I’ve been crying all day hi
Hey 👋, and why have you been crying all day
>>> 👁️👁️ Go away
hey there
>>> Hey 👋, and why have you been crying all day I like my coworker but he has a gf and he treats me like he’s careless to my feelings now