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Gelegentliches Dating/

RRate pictures..đŸ“·đŸ”

Weird people
Me too dubs 😞
I can’t complain he fixes my cars for free and charges me cheap rent. Least I can do is take him to work when his car is stuck there
Sounds like a great roommate from all you’ve said
What a nice man
Have one for me
Kindaaas. He has OCPD which is a lot to deal with, he has extremely black and white thinking
It’s just root beer haha
Marines be a lot to deal with, they’re in and out of my house all the time
Felt pretty 💅
Did you take this with a blackberry?
What you be doin w them
Is he getting treated for it?
Homie walking 👀👀👀👀
Nothing worse than unchecked mental health issues imo
It’s common tho, like with my brother who is a drone pilot lol
Oh yeah I got a bad phone noworries 😂
So many sociopaths 😞
I got bad eyesight too tho so ion care
He’s got bpd very different
Yeah i have a friend now that I can’t hang out with for too long cause we both be liking arson and biting people. He built a flame thrower and every time we hang out it’s only a matter of time before we’re lighting stuff on fire. He brings out the green goblin in me and it’s a lil scary
6.5 inches for F from Georgia, dm mee
Such specific interests
My roommate is a sergeant, they’re here all the time?? Creepy ahh mf
Just warming myself up in the warehouse
I remember you saying that jellie 😂
Damn bean don't burn shyt to the ground
Oh she does
But it’s chill
Damn, jelly blocked me?
I got a god damn headache after that madness đŸ˜€
Oh well, dgaf 😂
Yeee damn right
The rest be misogynistic as hell lowkey. The amount of times they’re surprised that I’m out there doing the same hard work as the rest of them makes me mad sometimes. I’ve been told I have “strong peasant woman build”
Can some one rate me
What you do?
Tsk tsk, what inappropriate conduct did you partake in max
I said i was gonna do something for somebody and i don’t even remember what
Who is that?