Yea it seems like every swear word is blocked. I thought this app was 18+?
Anyways my sleep schedule is really Fed after going to an emonight event on Friday. Woke up at 3pm yesterday
Yea lmao but half the chattooms is filled with “looking for a chick to pm me”
Also like most of my karma got deleted for some reason? No clue why
Yea it was great went to a nearby bar afterwards as well. Made a few new friends but some have not replied back which sucks.
Yea I’m new to this app (I joined last night) so I don’t really know what I’m doing
Lmfao wtf is this. Just had a dude in the newbies chat offer gifts for watching them cum as well…
You use this app frequently?
makes sense me as well. What’s your favorite song?
Oh you listen to avenged seven fold? I like their music hail to the king is prob my favorite of theirs
Personally I don’t think I have an “all time favorite” I kinda just get obsessed with a single song at a time where I will listen to it on repeat for hours every day for a few days to weeks before I get board of it and move on to the next song
Currently the song I’m listening to is “don't trust me” by 30h3
My playlists are like graveyards lol since it’s all songs I used to listen to. Occasionally I would go back and listen to the entire playlist to see if I am no longer bored with any of the songs and can repeat the process again
Yo can you open a pm? I don’t want to clog on this chat room and I just got this app so I don’t have the karma 😭
💀 y’all need to tone down your imaginations
I just got this app last night soooo