poosiecat got sent to prison? i mean sure it was only a matter of time cuz she was hella feisty , but she was taken from us way too soon smh
so that's it , why all the rooms seem so barren and deserted these days
morning sal and everyone
sal can i ask u not to be lazy and drop so i can oogle yer fine self and ogle yer fine self *winkwink*
yall roleplaying already?
man celebrating holi is hella fun but at the same time can be so exhausting , my who body is still aching fk
need more girls in this club
they r gonna want a gift just to show up lol
its better if they join on their own
probably , but they the kinda of women we have on anti , i can't speak for all but most certainly are
waking up only now?gahd how i envy people who have to ability to sleep in till late in the morning
my dumba** internal clock wakes me as soon as the clock hits 5:30
lmao then yer prolly sleep deprived , get that checked out man , thats not good for u in thelong run