Oh boy it’s Greg the trump jumper
Here spreading your personality of terrible politics like usual
It’s almost like at time goes on, we evolve. It’s a crazy thing I know Greg
That’s just false. Yes there’s terrible music out today but there also was back then too. Just gotta know what to listen too. There’s a lot of bands doing great things rn
Sampling music was coined in the late 70s. They been doing it forever not just now
Bust most of it is falling out so it’s held on by like 2 strands of hair
It’s super nice out today
I also don’t get the new slang but it’s funny to me when people will use old slang then complain bout the new stuff they be saying. Every generation does it. This new one just does it way stranger than we ever did 😂
I’m sure “adults” thought the same thing about us and the same for the generation before us
I was playing Val and they kept saying “the huzz” and idk wtf it means
Isn’t that you being offended too tho?
How have yall been fungy and cinna
I’m alright. Didn’t sleep much but I’m fine today for some reason lol.
I been hiding from winter. Basically just been depressed and bored 😂 once it’s warm again it will change tho lol
Summer all day lol. I wanna drive around in my summer car and go fish and have my garden goin and whatnot
The heck is goin on in here