I was gonna say, tips for both might be good if you plan on protesting anytime soon
Anti jail? Eh. Just relax and try to make the best of it. Met some cool people in anti jail before.
Real jail? Ehhhh I was a book and release, so I don’t think I was there long enough to have any tips. They didn’t even put me in a cell.
Stop talking about it and just do it.
Otherwise, stop talking about it. I hear it like 3 times a day when I’m on here.
This^ I fall out of the habit of being on it because other things in life are more interesting or more important or more shiny or whatever. I just let it rot on my phone.
Take it off your Home Screen and let it live in the library
Turn off all of your app notifications actually. Only turn on for texting, phone calls and banking apps.
It’s peaceful having no notifications.
My mom blocked me and Iblocked her. Never been happier.
I used to think that. Then they disowned me because I actually wanted to have a serious conversation where we all took accountability for our contributions to trauma and mistakes…. But yeah they didn’t want to do that, they called me a narcissist and wrote me out of their will.
Literally never been more at peace now that I know they will never even try to contact me again. Next time I see them is when I’m pissing on their grave. Crazy thing is I’m cool with everyone else in the family, even extended family. My parents are just… idk. They are terrible people.
Can live without them. With lower blood pressure and slowly disappearing generalized anxiety disorder 😂
Aight yall. It’s 4 AM. Time for some shut eye.