>>> Honestly don't even bother dating her. She...
🙏 was plannin just to fk but i might stay back
Thats fine compared to dolls
Thnx and yeah i dont need that kinda energy near me
I dont he means it in that way
Its like being called daddy without being a dad and someon calling them daddy even though theyre not their daughter
I told a girl i loved her and she said "i appreciate your honesty alot"
Time to drown my feelings into the gym
Place people make microtears in muscle to build or grow stronger
Yeah i blocked the fish as well
I dont need that negativety in my life
I confess that my immaturity lost me a situationship that i was ready to take further
I know ive got alot to learn but im sad i wish i saw how i acted before
I love and hate my feelings
Im a loverboy but grew up in solitude