That name irritates my eyes biatch
why racist ob a cartoon app biatch
im white and find that offensive biatch
Cow why are you gae biatch
Cuz we used to play xbox biatch
Where’s my baby mama biatch
All cool people are rasist biatch
Alfatty projecting everyday 🎶 biatch
Where the fuck is my baby mama
Racism not gonna just go away brah biatch
You won't understand dumb fuck
its insane racist against cartoon animals biatch
Call of duty made me racist biatch
Project help cluley lose weight biatch
U gotta fight racism with racism biatch
U had to call ppl the N word to be succesful biatch
Feeling anxious for no particular reason 😞😞 biatch
Harmless Racist jokes used to be funny biatch
Why are black people so tall? biatch
Back in the good days biatch
Cause their knee grows biatch
I was so funny then biatch
Where my baby mama at biatch
Alfatty is racist to his own race biatch
I’m looking for my baby mama biatch
First time seeing Leara mad biatch