He's doing a alot better.... his mom sent me a pic of how he was doing... cause she had video visitation yesterday..... I'll show yall his mugshot pic vs yesterday pic
Hopefully this time he learns his lesson....he has a freind who has been sober for 5 years so his freind will Def keep him going in the right direction
My brother needs to put his faith in god... cause with God everything is better
The girl he was with she was a real p o s
She's been with three dudes since he's been locked up..
He might just depends on if he wants a better life
This will probably be the last time ahe does something like this for him..... next time he should be on his own
>>> Shut up that’s why no one wants to taste you
That's why peoplelike you end up in jail and or prison
If my brother has a bond reduction for Monday, why in the world would they set out a pretrial confrence 3 months from now
My biological brother had his bond reduction today so hopefully it went well