I’m boring. Don’t smoke don’t drink don’t do nothing
In exchange I own lots of LoTR and nerdy stuff
My dad and brother have been in recovery for 8 years? Coming up on 9
The very few times I’ve ever had alcohol I’ve never had enough to get drunk, so I can’t imagine the strength it takes to get sober
Nothings better than a nice long shower
It’s finally stopped raining here, for now
I disabled them, she’s only allowed to talk in groups
🤣 I was only making a joke🥹
What kinda stuffie👀 stuffies are cute
I loved penguins growing up🤩
Reminds me a little of my old dog from a few years ago🥹
I should sleep. I gotta be up at 5
I’ll probably end up staying awake for another 2 hours tho😂🥲