I’m in a relationship with a girl and have been for the last three years we got together when we were in high school and are now young adults. If I’m being straight, she doesn’t care enough about hygiene or her look. We argue and I hate it, I’d rather just be friends. I’m connected withher family as she is with mine. We live together too.
😂 realistically I’m just a clean freak. She’s not bad. It’s just that I have high expectation I think. Either way that expectation comes from the fact that I do it myself to myself and for myself, and I would like to be with someone who has the same feeling
Showering is not the problem. Simple things like brushing your teeth once instead of three times a day sometimes or not brushing your teeth in the morning. Or wearing pajama level clothes in public. Not caring about money is the big thing though.
I’ve been trying for a while. I even offered to let her live with me and I would take care of all of her expenses, and she said she’d rather never talk to me again.
Yeah for real she’d rather not be friends if we’re not gonna be together
so trust me, bro I’ve tried😂
if I end it now she doesn’t have a place to live nor can she afford it. Her family already told her she can’t live with them. And I really do care about her so as much as I really would like to just end it I can’t if you know what I mean. It would really ruin any connection.
no I meant I offered her to stay living with me and we be friends
She doesn’t work out, she doesn’t exercise, she doesn’t diet, she always has something rude to say or argue about. I could keep going.