>>> I'm 5'4 🤣
Now thats perfect
I always bang girls who Are around that heighy
>>> Add a few inches 👀
Does 7 inches work?
>>> Did you measure it fish?
Should be around 8
Just saying 7 to be chill
>>> It will be 10 in a while 😂
I hope not
>>> Everyone tryna be cool
Im being real honest 😭
Like im not even proud of this shi
>>> That was notfor u
Oh sorry G
>>> no idea whats got eveyone so excited
Chat ima go take a shower
>>> I just showered i smell like roses lol
Lets take a shower again
>>> Too clean for another shower
Looks like someone gotta get dirty again
Are ur toys bigger than my shi?
>>> Oh you have no idea
Id like to hear bout it
>>> Bet you would
And u wont Hate Hearing my toy