See and knowing how people can be on an app it makes one wonder if it was done on purpose just because.
Does she know you’re chatting about her behind her back?
My bet is something innocuous, like underwater basket weaving.
Afternoon all ya filthy animals
What’s going on in here today
How’s it going so far for a Monday?
Sounds awesome. I’m still sore from my “workout” yesterday
It’s going. I got the new bumper and winch on the jeep yesterday. Those things were heavy “sums biatches”
I went with the gladiator as I still need a truck bed on occasion. Plus it is a good platform for an over landing build.
Honestly I say it depends whatcha wanna do. I would never take a gladiator truly rockcrawling in like sand hollow or Moab. The wheelbase is too long. They are 2 feet longer than even a 4-door.
I have seen gladiators do the rubicon, but they struggle in some places that a 2-door just zip through.
Yes it is. Will be 1300 in 9minites
How does one leg drop a dolphin?
Midland Texas or midland Michigan?
Midland Texas isn’t that bad. Now midland Michigan, I have to go there for work every year.
Sadly, no. I am way up here in the north east corner