Bingo we both get our time to relax and not worry about talking constantly lol
They made it work till the day my dad passed and it worked well
Aggressive squinting 🧐 alright I’ll be on the look out for that when we go out for dinner
Ahhh gotcha gotcha well I’m here for it all ☺️
You will probably be amused by all my facial expressions since I am horrible at hiding how I’m feeling 😂
I’ve been split from my ex for 7 years now the first few years were rough but it gets easier
You can get back on that horse whenever ghost just be happy with yourself first
IMO you won’t have a successful relationship if you can’t be happy alone
Well look no further I got you 😂
Small steps turn into bigger steps just gotta start somewhere
If you force to fast the pressure becomes unbearable
lol 😂 everyone has their own rhythm ☺️
Just let life happen and what’s meant to happen will happen
This app isn’t the place for that
I’m not saying it’s impossible to date from this app but I can’t say I’d recommend it
If you still have feelings for that ex cutting contact might be for the best so you can truly move on
You as well man goodnight