I didn't understood why of the ban as well :I
Well... My head and back hurts a little of stress...
But I'm still alive I guess...
>>> Sorry you had hurts that sucks
It's nothing... Life Is worse
In resume:
It's my 6th day without food, my dog Is sick (Looks like she can die), I'm 5 days behind rent, I'm sleeping terribly because of stress (It's 4 am), my friends we're all fake, just wanted me around while I had money...
Yeah, basically that's It...
There's also my 1k+ college debt, but I'm okay In leaving that for later In life, not such a big deal...
>>> No help I guess?
Nah, just judgements...
Like, I'm blonde, tall, white... And people In Brazil have the misconception that every white blonde boy Is rich, and If they don't have money, they don't want to...
I'm a hard worker man... I didn't wanted to lose my job... It was tough, but at least I could eat, pay rent...
That's why I downloaded the app... I'm just tired of being misjudged of something I'm not at all...
>>> I know it's stressful And I'm not sure tha...
I'm sorry, I didn't understood very well what you meant... Could you rephrase It?
>>> People are kinda brutal here sometimes. No...
I know but... At least I had to try asking for help...
Then I asked for money and got banned, lol...
>>> My chat will be kind
Safe place, YAAAY 🥲💓
>>> What county are you in
Apparently I got banned because I said the word "P4yp41"
Cuz ye, we have It here as well
>>> Well glad you did ask cuz at least you fou...
I hope as well... The owner of the apartment Is being pushy with me already... Saying that If I don't pay, I'll need to go
>>> Yours may be temporary. Did it say a numbe...
Yeah yeah, It was like, 3 days ago
It was a 9h ban, something like that
>>> Mine is a total ban. I'm trying to follow ...
I hope they unban ya :')