I felt the same 2 weeks ago, he even text me just to say happiest birthday after months silenced. I was happy and, but after few days text, he didn’t special anymore. You will face the same soon🥰
I mean, you will get used
Hahaha this is so trueee, i always waiting for his notification and if he didn’t reply asap I will overthinking, but after I told him to stop texting me, pretending worried about my life and get the fk off, I feel nothing but peacefull🤣
Yepss, he left me twice and I always understand and forgave him, but not the third time, I have enough, I lost respect, i am fed up. I love myself too much to het hurt again by him lol. I ain’t lost anything but he lost the pure girl like me. I think I deserve better🥰
Sheezhh I really hate a cheater
Please love yourself before someone else