Did you read the recent manga chaoter
When on vacation, if two men sleeps on same bedroom but in two diff beds but is in just boxers .. are they straight 😭
In the same room with nothing but just boxers??
I just wanna know if the man I’m talking to is straight 🥲
He went to a concert and stayed at hotel over night with his friend in the same room and he sent me video and in the reflection I saw he’s just wearing boxer and that’s all
I farted on my office and one of my coworker walked in 😭
I just asked my sister to contribute $50 a month at home and she started fight with me 😌
I look aftereverything at home and yes I do earn more than her but I just wanted her to do something at least as part of responsibility
Yeah I just asked $50 a month and now she wants to move out 😌
Its me my mom and my sister so I can’t do that
I even told my mom many times to ask my sister to contribute but my mom is scared she’s gonna move out
How can people be so blind!! Like how can she not even see what I’m trying to do .. she flipped it on me saying I’m jealous of her buying stuffs and enjoying her money
Nah she has the money she just don’t wanna contribute
Her budget will be tight but it’s enough for living
I give my mom some money to spend for herself and she spends half that for my sister smh
Yeah it’s on me cause I just want mom to have enough .. idk
I was crying at work and my manager saw it and was asking me to vent to him.. so embarrassing!!!