you will know when you know
even murr hates being murr
so if someone says they do weed and stuff thats ok I will tolerate it
the issue comes when people start trying to express their views like “everyone should use weed”. Or “the solution to [insert situation here] is weed].”
The intention behind that is that i become extremely uncomfortable with that mindset and will not have it persist in my room. This especially becomes problematic when it progresses to force or influence someone else to accept weed (and ofc other drugs) as a “magic bullet”. While you wont be banned outright for promoting, don’t expect to be not be digitally persecuted for it.
someone mentioned if weed is a promotion of drug use. When the rule was first devised we meant to use it “as a solution to a problem”
rhe excliose chapter of this room has been established. If you are interested please pm me so i can give you the referral code.
wait sorry i meant to say the exclipse chapter
Relaxxx mags i modded you there now hahaha