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Only fat brits in chat

Only fat brits in chat
How do u know where i live
Cuz im watching
Im not a brit!
Why are you fat shaming you’re probably ugly
Fat brit spotted
I’m danish dumbass
U could be kurt cobain for all i care
Send your face in here I dare you
I dare u to eat a salad
You’re ugly and you know it
I know ur a fat brit
You’re tired
Quite so stevon
That makes me sound like a knight, so upgrade
Haha wtf
Stevon of the 5 kingdoms! Nice ring huh
I’m not actually besides anyone can lose weight but you’ll stay ugly forever
Youll stay british forever
The real cost
Again I’m danish
You’re probably an immigrant no one wants
Quiet fatso chat is quaking
Quiet ugly virgin. What a pathetic excuse for a woman you are you talk like a man
U bore me cellulite queen
You ugly why are you speaking
Because a fat british serf is crying for my attention
Ugly is worse than fat. Anyone can lose weight you’ll stay an unf!clanks immigrant forever
Fats have the shortest tempers
Tiredonia of the 7 continents! Boom now you have a cool knight name
Thank u stephen
No problem my fellow sibling in sword
I was more offended by the brit part