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👀 oh you do have pretty eyes
Fuck off with your slug meow
Stop playing with your food
Lmao 🤣 I seen it go bye bye!
Thanks 🤗
That is gross 🤢 lol
Lol no I meant the slug thing
Haha 🤣 I don’t even know why that’s still on my phone
Slug is cute 🥺🫶🏼
I haven’t deleted anything in like a week tyvm
😬 they so slimy though!
Don’t post bulge and I won’t delete
I’d wash my hands and let him go on my arm
Ooop 👀 nope! Haha
Disinfecting Cali before touching her!!! 😷
Whoever your replying to I have them blocked 🤣
Oop nvm lol
Slugs are beautiful and have feelings too!
🤷‍♂️ I didn’t pour salt on it! Just took the picture and left!
Makes me wonder
Ass sticking out of the hole
👀 did you tho? I’d cry lol poor baby. He has the cutest lil pattern on his body
He probably ate it
Stop 😢 I love all living things I’m sensitive lol
Melted down so nice
Jk haha it was gone by the morning
You better not have poured salt on it
No I didn’t! ✋ 🤚
Just left it there looked like it was leaving anyways!
I saw a funny acting movie like that once. Except she was stuck in the dryer!!
Sluggies are better than most ppl I know lol
👀 you need to know better people!
Cause that one was a deranged slug I could see it in his eyes!
Most of the she knows are from Cali… that’s the reason
I 🐌 is way better than me
No he was handsome!
If you say so
lol be nice slug could pull okayyy