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🍄Lesbian Mυʂԋɾσσɱ Lαɳԃ

>>> I play codm Ohhhh I used to, but I've played so damn much of it in my life, I can't anymore 😭😂
I think differently
I think u are
I love it, I play it way too much these days
You are in a butter mood today
Let me bully you
Not really
Take it as a compliment or not but I do find u interesting
Even tho the name pet makes me feel small which I hate
Nah it just sounds like your hitting on me
I still want to hear ur thoughts
Not really
Telling u how I feel
I call you pet because you are a people pleaser
Stop being a scary you can’t read my brain
Well thank you
Well I’ll find out
I always do😊
I just like learning about people around me
You won’t find out
Irl or not
You keep on messaging me and deleting it
Why is that
I just getting some food
Incase u blocked me
Well to see if u did
I didn’t block you
And I won’t block you
I think the one person I have blocked is this creepy guy
Thank you, I thought I might of freaked u out
Heeeey x
I don’t mind
And that is what makes u more interesting
Also tell me I’m not the best card giver
(I am)
…. What’s on your browser history though 👀
I always use incognito mode
Oooft incognito 🥸