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𝚃𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚐𝚑s4 𝚞𝚛 ᎬᎽes

Fresh from the shower thighs😝
Oooo shiny
Not exactly 😆I didn’t lotion them down yet🤣
Okay well sheen
I’ll take it😆
Lol 😂
Melanin has a natural sheen ☺️
Some Bella hair for that added touch 🤗
Lol nice touch 😂 bella
She’s a little territorial if I don’t have hair on me I will before I leave the house 🤣
Which is never cause her hair is everywhere 🤣
And my AE leggings are a magnet for it
Ohh goodness. Bella says her mark is in her humans for a reason.
Her winter coat is finally coming thru so it’s bad now
I need some of those
I like the gray color
Hmm 🤔 realizes I don't have any gray leggings.
Hopes online for a sale
Their actually olive green lol
They don’t make them the same anymore 😔
Well that's some different lighting. I still need gray. I have olive green
I don’t have any gray ones either
I got blue, red, black and the green but my black ones are worn out so I got another pair and AE don’t make the style I like anymore jagoffs
>>> I got blue, red, black and the green but m... Awe lol. Well look them up on another site.
I did get a few gift cards, I used one last night on Amazon lol. Gonna look on another site for some leggings
I need to find my blue ones tho lol
I don’t have many colors either
I mostly just have black
I have 3 colors. Black, blue, olive
Where did you find olive
Oh ok
Happy New Year 🎆 for everyone 10 hours ahead of EST
Happy New Year 🥂
yay it's 2025
Ooooh nice leg action for 2025