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or me either
New here
>>> ....cause they got no zzzzz elaborate
ah see, gotcha there
you can’t
Yep, now you get it
👋 CaliBurrito
CALI BUROTOS ARE THE BEST chatroom 'TALK SMACK 😎🥊': https:chat.antiland.comaqpkQE4APp
purple cow, you’ve got a lot of learning to do
Al cowpone are you mad at me
because unfortunately you’re a victim of propaganda
and the zionist loving media
Lmao ok
Americans in general are fat and obese
I agree with cow
EVERYONE SUUUUCKS 'TALK SMACK 😎🥊': https:chat.antiland.comaqpkQE4APp
Idk I just think what I believe and I don’t think you can categorize that
Or maybe you can but I’m not putting a label on it
Everyone thinks they are unique,truth is you can label and box all of them
i can get a read on your overall viewpoint of the world based on the statements you’ve made
What do you think I believe in
Humor me
I invite you to a chatroom 'TALK SMACK 😎🥊': https:chat.antiland.comaqpkQE4APp
nah, i’d rather dive deep into what dog believes in tbh
I believe you deserve more than your worth. Or life owes you everything. I guarantee that.
Simply cause you are an American woman
i’d find that to be more interesting
Nah I may be a minority but I’m not a victim here .
It’s all the same
I invite you to a chatroom 'TALK SMACK 😎🥊': https:chat.antiland.comaqpkQE4APp
I work for my stuff
>>> Nah I may be a minority but I’m not a vict... a minority?
>>> i’d find that to be more interesting I ain't interesting bruhh, I got no zzz in me ☹️
Or what is considered a “minority” lol
i didn’t know your race beforehand
wasn’t really thinking about it tbh
Race is insignificant
>>> i didn’t know your race beforehand Who cares about her race, she is a woman
Root beer
what do you identify as, ethnically?
>>> Who cares about her race, she is a woman try and keep up moron, she brought it up first
Nothing enrages me more than people who victimize themselves
But others like to add race and say they are victims and the white man the oppressor and blah blah
>>> try and keep up moron, she brought it up f... Ahhh sorry , got no zzz in me
My ppl have no race just an ethnic group
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