Who hides behind their gf? Pu$$ies
533 buttonwoods ave Warwick RI
Come slide I’ll hawk you down
All I’m hearing is a bunch of pu$$ies hiding behind a screen
Addy dropped I’ll be waiting
Crazy how tough people are when there’s miles and miles between them
Nah just me the only one with some balls not hiding
Come where?? I’m the only one that dropped an addy
Exactly a bunch of fakes🤭
It’s ok to admit it to your gfs they won’t judge
Yall boring thought at least one of yall might be about it guess not
I see nothing but a see of keyboard warriors each and every person here knows where I live whose the ones hiding
Work them thumbs that’s all I’m seeing you do
Yall must be paid to act this hard right? If not you’re only wasting your time and mine apparently
I’ve known 7 big boob Asians that I PERSONALLY can vouch were NOT implants just saying first hand experience if you catch my drift