This room more lenient and open with messages biatch
🎶 ...and the bitch ran away with the spoon 🎶
Bat is one of the best avis, black is good biatch
Can someone select the free avis only once, or can change those multiple times free? biatch
I'll get like 10 if I'm lucky 💪 biatch
Tbh I'm not too fussed biatch
I'm about to make a coffee royal biatch
Big bubbles no troubles biatch
Territorial pissings biatch
Why does coffee actually make me feel tired? biatch
I still like coffee, but a little while after having it feel tired biatch
I drink a coffee then compensate with 2 more coffees? biatch
My stomach says a big no to soft drinks or sodas if you call it that biatch
I might just do monologues, I'm used to it biatch