it’s okay.. y’all will get better 🤣🤣
it’s not THAT bad but if you’re not used to hearing gunshots and seeing crackheads? you’re doomed
lol make outttt? cuddddle?
you better rub them toes together and gts!!
What’s everybody Zodiac Signnnn? 🤣🤣🤣👀 if you believe in it
Taurus get on my NERVEESSSSSSSS
just think they know it alllll
lol nah i guess you can pass.. idky
🤣🤣 but your people???? can get these 👏🏾
ooouuu the crazy crazy lol
Every Taurus i’ve met is a little crazy… and have a hard time being wrong😭😭😭
Mmm … you should research it.. might learn about yourself ❤️👏🏾
Y’all are kinda hard… 🤣🤣🤣 need to open up more Scorpio
Maaaaaan maaaan! 🤣🤣🤣💯 you mofos lie just to lie…
they do. shiiiit even mine do
everrry signnnn lieeeee but y’all? top tier