Aww 😂 that’s weird that because mine is coming up and his is after mine 😂 mine April his may
😂 thought you were gonna say yours is same then we’d be down to which dates 😂 is he one of oldest in class then?
I mean don’t go wake him 😂
😂😂 yeah alone time is definitely cherished these days 😂 aye thought he would be bein September.
😂😂😂 not that you hold a grudge pix 😂
😂😂 at least you’re honest 😂
Pix is Stubborn and opinionated 📝😂
Hi John
Not much John you?
Who you tryin to convince pix is or yourself 😂
😂😂😂 there’s that honesty again 😂
😂😂 but the stubborn will have you sat there arms folded saying it’s not 😂
How many cars you got John?
😂 and it’s purrfect right 😂
Ohhh kittys been busy 👀 😂
I wouldn’t know 😂
Hi hazelgrace
Not sure that’s what he meant 👀😅
Which rules the roost pix?