The level of flatness is impressive 🤔��
It’s just so hot in here now 🥵
Can you imagine talking like this irl to women😂?
I’d just be considered a dirty old man😂
Oh not the undies 😩 It’s just too spicy 🌶️ 🥵
Oh you’ve found my hot spot 😩👵🏻😂
Omg am I suddenly in a love triangle 👀🤔?
Omg did I just become a cuck😭?
I hope I can fall asleep soon. It’s been a long hard day at work
lol well even if I have a flat butt, I have a chest I guess 😂
Ooo I see you guys are skipping to foreplay already 👀
And the sexual tension continues to be continued ….👀
I’ll give you a hint Mari, it’s not me with the pancake butt 🤔😂
lol I’msurprised that my gf even wants me😂
She said she likes me because I’m weird 😂😂😂
Okay crazy kids I’m going to see if I can get some sleep