The only thing I liked about hospital is that you can rest without worrying about anything
I should get admitted too ngl
>>> accurate 😁😁 and good service!
And the love and care whatwe crave when we were doing fine
>>> Get sick first
Almost there half anxious Nd in fever
>>> Admitted for what exactly? What is this......
To rest a bit can't have peace anywhere else
>>> Don’t manifest it, silly
Haha ok ok
>>> Jeez don't be like me. I waited 2 weeks. N...
I took meds they are working it's just other stuff I'm dealing with on top of that this recent break up
>>> Can you take some of my medicine? 🙂
>>> Oooh, you’re broken hearted
Sing follow your Arrow by kaecy musgroves
>>> Oooh, why are yall brokenhearted
Cz shyte happens
Nd it freaking hurts especially when someone dump their trauma on you
>>> Whomp, that’s why you are love sick rn
You too will one day be aware
>>> I am aware how to be brokenhearted vick 💀
How am I supposed to know 💀
>>> It killed the mood.... now i want coffee
Buddy you're a boy, make a big noise 🎵
Playing in the street, gonna be a big man someday 🎶
You got mud on your face, you big disgrace 🎶
We will rock you by queen