I got some Irish in me. I celebrate all holidays
Why are you critiquing when I put something up? I celebrate the whole month.
I have a Shamrock on my door at work and home
When the boys were little, I did sometimes. Won’t be happening this year. I’m in DC and don’t get home till late and I have to work tomorrow.
No, I’m at a conference. This is my 59473 trip here. It was sad to fly into national
I saw a flight caught on fire in Denver or a plane
Just that I’ve been here a lot. No sightseeing just for a conference. Met friend for dinner and saw my cousin’s daughter last night.
Technically, yes. But my cousin is like my sister so I call her my niece.
And she’s a bad ass. I’m so proud of her. We were having dinner and Senator walked by and nodded at her. They know each other.
No. I came in Tuesday and leave today.
It was fun! Why are you sitting at home?
I’ve been on about 494882 interviews and everyone loves me, but no one wants to pay me and it’s only gonna get worse
That’s good! I will say a prayer for . It’s the worst job market in the white-collar world in 30 years and that was before all the layoffs in the government.
Hi Phoenix and Lady 🤗🌸😘🍀🤗😘🌸🍀
I want to live in the city and walk to work
That’s the the thing… You don’t need to cause you can take public transportation.