i was backing up out of my house and a gust of wind blew my gate. to protect my car i stuck my hand out the window to hold the gate but the car kept backing up( i should’ve put my foot on the brakes idk why i didnt) also i couldn’t let go of the gate and my wrist kept bending in a weird way and was pressed against the edge of the window😭
reported you for what show 😭
if you want more karma just keep texting in groups and texting ppl privately 😥
l m a o is your wife okay with it? if not yes it’s cheating 😓
scaramouch scaramouch will u do the fandango 😭
radio ga ga is a song too 😢
call me by your name and i’ll call you by mine T_T T_T 😭
it’s a line from call me by your name 😢
really heartbreaking movie 😥
i can explain it but it’s pretty long 😓
short version there’s this greek myth where ppl were created with 2 arms 2 legs and 2 faces. zeus split them and cursed them to look for their other halves forever. fast forward these two finally meet they fall in love and are mistaken for one another but then they say they are one another and can take each others names 😢