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hadchi elach failed relationships kay2atro elihom ktar mn rjal

hadchi elach failed relationships kay2atro elihom ktar mn rjal
So men are supposedly with no feelings ? And they're supposed to be strong and not get any kind of emotions ?
that’s how women like them so that’s how they have become
I find it sad
yes it is. but that’s how men and women decided both to shape men
Men shouldn't be deprived of feelings and women shouldn't be seen as only emotional
oh we express them f arts that’s why we dominate the artistic world. we also concentrate on more serious pursuits in life. that’s why we dominate science too
Cause it wasn't equal from the beginning koun kant the same starting line for men and women , things would've been different
hhh it was the same starting line. we started as one man and one woman. and we conquered.