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I need to look into that and see if that was a thing in any cultures- 1 woman and many husbands in a household. If that was a thing, that's so interesting and i'd wanna read about that lol

I need to look into that and see if that was a thing in any cultures- 1 woman and many husbands in a household. If that was a thing, that's so interesting and i'd wanna read about that lol
If they survived long enough for us to document, who knows
Well if they didn't survive, let's make a new culture where that's a thing
No, because then that shows it’s not sustainable to life
No, it shows it’s not sustainable for life
No, it shows it’s not sustainable for life
Not necessarily. Nxigger..
It’s a fact though, it hurts because you want to live out your fantasy but you can’t