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there r no virgin marys 🦦 but we have many mary w jesuses biatch

there r no virgin marys 🦦 but we have many mary w jesuses biatch
Ffs you again biatch
madam 🦦 that is da reality of it 🦦 look at my mom three kids only two were hers n she was not allowed to know her other son 🦦 n she has to raise three different genetic codes that two has nothing to do w hers genetic biatch
Nice one thanks for that biatch
communists always thanking women w their uterus services 🦦 biatch
🤣🤣 biatch
madam 🦦 that is how u were made 🦦 except my daddy 🦦 he got pregnant 🫃 w me biatch
Your mean your mom biatch
nope 👎 my daddy 🦦 madam biatch