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When I flirt peope think it’s serious. It’s a bummer most times

When I flirt peope think it’s serious. It’s a bummer most times
Are you an air sign?
Nope earthy 🤣
Give me your chart
I don’t know what that is
Then how do you know you’re an air sign?
I know I’m a Virgo. That’s all I know
She said she wasn’t
Then how did she know she’s an earth sign? 😭😭😭😭
When I tried flirting, I almost got married to him.
Oh my god 🤣 so you
What? We flirted for more than a decade.
I don’t know how to flirt and am oblivious to when ppl are trying to flirt with me 😂
Sal if I ever flirted with you you would def know
I tend to grab a person by the unmentionables 😏