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Bobo sit bedside me dont be third wheel

Bobo sit bedside me dont be third wheel
I don’t even like her..
Your poor soul 🫂
She called me a scary old hagggg
😌 this granny looking fine as wine
But I like u😘😘
No more Barbie house lmao 😂 I’ll ship it to you
It doesn't matter I will get out from under ur bed and go under psy bed
Called me scary 😭 said I look scary when I look like a chicken nugget
are u sad no so why
Fawk no
You love it ... Just you no roomate
No I just think you'll treat me better than her
look she don’t want
Ill treat you good
Correct answer u won
💀 I’m just a girl so uh psyduck keep her (???)
are u oki
Always 😌
What ?
Can I join