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I’m using trans as an umbrella term because a lot of NB also identify as trans

I’m using trans as an umbrella term because a lot of NB also identify as trans
My partner is envie, it’s under the Tran umbrella
if you’re NB you’re not trans though, at least in my opinion
People can identify however they want, it’s a spectrum they fall on it wherever. If NB ppl wanna be called trans that’s nobody’s business
Being born and called a guygirl and coming out as NB makes sense if they want to identify with a trans label.
How does that make sense? if your transgender then it means you were at birth one gender and you want to transition to the opposite one
No it means you transitioned from your gender. You’re hung up on the binary aspect
Because if you were say, born a girl but identify as NB, you’re not a girl, nor a boy, you’re NB, hence yknow, transitioning genders
Ur so cool for this