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This room is supposed to be a fun place for everyone to come and enjoy. I’d like to try to keep it that way if we can

This room is supposed to be a fun place for everyone to come and enjoy. I’d like to try to keep it that way if we can
Amen 😭😭
Am I not fun? 🫠
not when you’re making someone uncomfortable and then making light of it over and over. i don’t find that fun, no.
I didn’t realize I was. In that case I would like to extend my sincerest apologies.
I keep asking you what did I do bc I don’t understand the comments your making towards me
Girl I got no problem 😭
You sure ?
💯 girl. You my bestie. 🫴🏽
We good now ?
We always were. We have a real connection here. Through experiences. 😌
What happened
I’m trying to figure that out still
i’m not the one you were primarily poking but i appreciate seeing that.
No I didn’t say that. I just want to make sure that everyone is having fun
Copy that.